Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why impose the hijab

Why impose the veil on Muslim women

The miracle of the veil for first kernels
Veil or curtain is the language separation or cover. It has several meanings in Islamic law. First, it means those clothes which cover woman's body and covers her head, and also means there is no separation between the sexes not mixing, III lack of adornment to non-mahramsFrom this it is clear that the "jackets" and cover human beings ' awrahs authentic God-the Almighty-Adam and Eve and their offspring, stripteaseAnd expose the ' Awrah of the work of the devil.
All fruits and fruits have veneer or skin to protect them from damage by environmental factors such as bananas, melons, mangoes, dates, etc.
In the animal world, we note that the precious Pearl shells by taking shelter from oppression of large marine fish and predators. Tortoise covers her body solid bedrkh it is impossible for predators to break or crack to devour the tortoise vulnerable. And clothe the body of "hedgehog" forest of thorns that can repel all would-be assault. Bird wraps a thick robe of feathers to protect their bodies from the Sun's heat and cold winter.
Thus we see clearly that the hijab is not only in the world of human beings, but is present since the beginning in all other living things. God has created his skull bones that surround the brain from each side to protect it and obscure the heart and protected by a series of bones of the rib cage.
In a note, for example, that "planets" Earth surrounded by an air-tight casing "for withholding" cosmic radiation and protection from destructive issued by the Sun and other stars. The latest scientific research to an insulation layer also on many other planets for the same purpose.
The same logic we can explain the logic in imposing the veil on the daughters of Eve. Women in Islam such as kind, precious jewel flower that must be preserved and protected from hungry wolves and eyes of keystroke loggers who are trying to devour the flesh soft and even immoral to immediate kinship.campus looks God found non-spouses and 

Whichever accept yourself and love

Intact fruit

European young lady asked Sudanese Muslim: Why impose your religion on women's clothing that covers all her body?!
The young man responded to another question: brilliant Madam. If I went to a shop to buy some fruit, I found there are two types of fruit one envelope and covered to keep clean from dust and flies, and other exposed dusty, flies, any two relax yourself to purchase non-Muslim Lady answered quickly:Bought clean coater type course.The young man smiled and said: so is Islam to women, Madam. It should cover the fruit to keep healthy clean of dust and prying eyes are like flies or more dangerous. This answer is genius European admiration, Lady smiled and acknowledged that they had understood for the first time the wisdom of Islam in the veil this analogy beautifully simple.

Muslim says about her
I wear a hajib. I wear it out of respect of my religion, respect to myself, and respect to my husband. I wear a Shayla-style headcovering, and it is amazing how many people smile and nod, or stop to ask me how I did my scarf so nicely. It also helps keep me warm in the winter and keeps the sun off of my head in the summer 

You look at me and call me oressed
Simply because of the way I'm dressed
You know me not for what's inside
You judge the clothing I wear with pride
My body's not for your eyes to hold
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold
I'm an individual, I'm no mans slave
It's Allah's pleasure that I only crave
I have a voice so I will be heard
For in my heart I carry His word
" O ye women, wrap close your cloak, So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk",
Man doesn't tell me to dress this way
It's a Law from God that I obey
Oressed is something I'm truly NOT
For liberation is what I've got
It was given to me many years ago
With the right to prosper, the right to grow
I can climb mountains or cross the seas
Expand my mind in all degrees
For God Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY
When He sent Islam
To You and Me!

Why Do I Wear Hijab?